RedBeard’s Donnie Darko Mask

Favorite moment of the Donnie Darko mask
Favorite moment of the Donnie Darko mask

I’ve been wanting to make a Donnie Darko Frank the Bunny mask for some time now and finally got around to doing before this last Halloween. Disclaimer I’m no sculptor and have no experience with this. Definitely not perfect and I’m going to retry for something better later but I’ll share anyways.


This was a ton of fun to do but I think I might take some art classes at the AR Innovation Hub, a local maker space, soon.


I used a combination of paper mache and paper mache clay to make this mask. Paper mache clay is awesome!! I started with a styrofoam form and a blank plastic mask (that was too small).

Cara Brookins has a write up on paper mache clay. Cara is an author and super mom who I hope to interview after reading a few more of her books. I had the pleasure of meeting Cara a few years ago at River City Comic Con.


As you browse through the progress you’ll notice I started off with an uneven form and it never got better. I thought I’d fill in the lower jaw area to make the mask fill the outline of the printed mask but then removed it with haste. I also found out late that the paper mache clay needs to be kneaded and worked for a while before it becomes pliable. The mask ended up being a bit small but weighed a ton like hurt your neck ton.

I learned a lot from this project. I’m open to any tips you might have for the paper mache clay and sculpting in general.


Mask from the movie no comparison


Pictures from the build


RedBeard Reconnecting with Spawn

Spawn Comic Cover Issue 1Slowly I’m getting back into Spawn my all time favorite comic series. There’s so much I’m not remembering about the series so I’m starting back at Issue #1. Comixology has all of Spawn available to subscribers but I want some of the physical copies for my collection. I ordered 1-11 and just got them in. I also have a collection of original figures that I will be getting out of storage soon.

For those that don’t know Spawn is a series created by Todd McFarlane about Al Simmons a Marine that was killed and whose soul went to hell. Given the chance Al sold his soul for another chance to walk the earth and see his wife again but his return among the living is five years later, his wife is re-married to his best friend and Al finds himself to be a demonic creature. Jaded by the situation, the deal and his new position in “life” he becomes a sort of anti-hero.

The art work in Spawn to me is unmatched by any other and is one of the first things that drew me into the series. Flipping through these issues is bringing back so many memories. As I go through each issue I am going to try and at least make note of key things, thoughts and major events here on the blog.

Spawn Collection

Some of you may remember there being a movie but that is a review for another day. But do know considering its time the movie wasn’t as bad as some would make it out to be.


Interstellar – Movie

interstellarWhy did it take us so long to post about Interstellar? Yesh!

This movie was incredible. Science was spot on and Artistic representations were as good as it gets when trying to conceptualize concepts that are only theory in humanity’s grasp. Interstellar covers Black holes, Wormholes, String Theory, Multi-Dimensional existence, Time Dilation and much more. We loved this movie!

Interstellar was directed by Christopher Nolan and the script was written by his brother Jonathan Nolan. The cast includes Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine as well as a slew of other well known actors to include Matt Damon.


  • Facts
    • Jonathan Nolan studied relativity at the California Institute of Technology while writing the script to gain scientific insights
    • Science adviser was Kip Thorne, a well known theoretical physicist
    • The story behind Interstellar was dreamed up by film producer Lynda Obst and Science Advisor and theoretical physicist Kip Thorne.
    • Lynda Obst & Kip Thorne collaborated on the 1997 film Contact based on the story created by Carl Sagan.
    • Back in the day Carl Sagan set up Lynda Obst & Kip Thorne on a blind date.

Mick when you see this feel free to add more.
