The Bronzeville Numbers Unbreakable? Part 3 Geographic

Josh Olson says his numbers code is unbreakable. Do you like puzzles? If so have fun and contact us to tell us what you find. Maybe in sheer numbers we can brute force the answer.

Could it be a shape reference?

Here’s the numbers again.

  • 6 42 63 42 52 72 2 11 75 27 7 37 4 48 58 7 27 8 45 51 2 12 22 7 18

Graphing the Numbers (Fail)

It’s a sailboat? Unless there’s a shape in there, I’m not seeing on the right this is a fail.



Could it be map data or location data?

Geographic Locations

I know it was said that the numbers don’t point to crypto buuuuuuut. I used (Location?)

6 /|”=>’3N 6W /|”=>’3N 5N 7N N 11 75 N7 7 W7 /|”=>’3 /|”=>’38 58 7 N7 8 /|”=>’35 51 N 1N NN 7 18

  • 6,42,63,42,52,72,2,11 to 42.634252, -72.211 Athol, Massachusetts
  • 37,4,48,58,7,27,8 to 37.448, -58.7278 Atlantic Ocean (fail)

Locations in Bronzeville story?

Couldn’t find any correlation.


Be sure to check out the Bronzeville FAQ


The Bronzeville Numbers Unbreakable? Part 2 Music

Josh Olson says his numbers code is unbreakable. Do you like puzzles? If so have fun and contact us to tell us what you find. Maybe in sheer numbers we can brute force the answer.

Could it be a music reference?

Attempts at translating numbers to musical notes failed? Maybe you hear something I don’t. My hearing has gone down hill….. guns & explosions will do that.

  • 6 42 63 42 52 72 2 11 75 27 7 37 4 48 58 7 27 8 45 51 2 12 22 7 18

How it was done

I took the numbers and using c# output them into 2 different ways to generate frequencies to output as tones. First method was simply multiplying each number by 100 to get the frequency in playable range. The second method was converting each number to binary then getting the sum of the ones within each binary number, a method found to be used for storing music information.

Numbers to Music-Ish With Code

Part 1 of The Numbers

Be sure to check out the Bronzeville FAQ

The Bronzeville Numbers Unbreakable? Part 1

Josh Olson says his numbers code is unbreakable. Do you like puzzles, sudoku? If so have fun and contact us to tell us what you find. Maybe in sheer numbers we can brute force the answer.

What has been said

  • Said that it is not based on crypto
  • Told to throw out all crypto knowledge
  • Number crunching – Wrong direction
  • Said to be unbreakable due to (interpretation) it being random
  • Does not appear to be letter substitution
  • Josh Olson does not have a math background

Winning Numbers By Episode

Episode Who 1st Number 2nd Number 3rd Number
Ep 1 Announced 6 42 63
Ep 2 Announced 42 52 72
Ep 3 Announced 2 11 75
Ep 4 Announced 27
Ep 5 Announced 7 37
Ep 6 Announced 4 48 58
Ep 7 Announced 7 27
Ep 8 Announced 8 45 51
Ep 9 Announced 2 12 22
Ep 10 Announced 7  18

The Numbers

  • 6 42 63 42 52 72 2 11 75 27 7 37 4 48 58 7 27 8 45 51 2 12 22 7 18
  • 6,42,63,42,52,72,2,11,75,27,7,37,4,48,58,7,27,8,45,51,2,12,22,7,18
  • Reverse 81,7,22,21,2,15,54,8,72,7,85,84,4,73,7,72,57,11,2,27,25,24,36,24,6
  • 25 numbers
  • Total 745
  • Mean 29.8
  • Median 27
  • Sample Standard Deviation 23.52
  • Episode Numbers in Sequence – 1,6,42,63,2,42,52,72,3,2,11,75,4,27,5,7,37,6,4,48,58,7,7,27,8,8,45,51,9,2,12,22,10,7,18

Attempted Some Standard Crypto Cracking 


Answer in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The answer is 42


Be sure to check out the Bronzeville FAQ

Arduino and UV Lights for Glow in the Dark Decorations

My wife, MrsRedBeard, made some glow in the dark heads for Halloween decorations. They glowed but very dim and not for very long so why not kick it it up with UV lights. But why stop there when there’s an Arduino laying around?

Using the Arduino I made it so that the lights fade in to brightness, blink, hold for a few seconds then turn off for a while and loop.  The code for this can be found on GitHub.

I’m not getting real in-depth on how to do this because most of it is really basic. If you want additional information just Contact us.

Parts / Materials

  • Arduino
  • UV LEDs from Adafruit
  • An old CAT 5 cable
  • 2 screw terminals
  • 2x 2N3904 Transistors
  • Wire
  • A salvaged project box
  • Styrofoam ring cut in half
  • A empty circuit board

Pictures of the project

Robotics Demonstration

I’ve been giving robotics demonstrations to an Interfaith Summer camp being held by the ITSSM Interfaith Center while sharing some love for the AR Innovation Hub. The Hub has been such a blast to volunteer for and interact with and in addition they are always willing to help.

I wanted a way to demonstrate and provide immersion for children to learn a little about robotics so I threw this together. It’s not pretty but it sure is effective. Upon request I’m willing to write up details on the components, wiring as well as share the code used.

In addition I also toted along the R2D2 trashcan that my daughter and I built. This was a huge hit but also caused a mess when the children used R2 to transport popcorn.

A simple push button interactive arduino setup



The R2D2 trashcan that I wrote about previously controlled via bluetooth and app on an android.

