The Bronzeville Numbers Unbreakable? Part 2 Music

Josh Olson says his numbers code is unbreakable. Do you like puzzles? If so have fun and contact us to tell us what you find. Maybe in sheer numbers we can brute force the answer.

Could it be a music reference?

Attempts at translating numbers to musical notes failed? Maybe you hear something I don’t. My hearing has gone down hill….. guns & explosions will do that.

  • 6 42 63 42 52 72 2 11 75 27 7 37 4 48 58 7 27 8 45 51 2 12 22 7 18

How it was done

I took the numbers and using c# output them into 2 different ways to generate frequencies to output as tones. First method was simply multiplying each number by 100 to get the frequency in playable range. The second method was converting each number to binary then getting the sum of the ones within each binary number, a method found to be used for storing music information.

Numbers to Music-Ish With Code

Part 1 of The Numbers

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