Pokémon Go – Gym Prestige

Pokemon Go Gym PrestigeBasically raising your gym’s prestige makes it much harder for another team to take it over. So lets say you have one Pokemon in your gym but you worked to raise your gym’s prestige up so that it was a level 5 it should, I think, take beating that one Pokemon 5 times before another team could take the gym back. If you do the same thing but have the gym full it’s going to be that much harder for another team to take your gym.

Putting this to practice Mrs RedBeard, the little RedBeards and I raised a local gym to level 10 fully loaded. I plan to watch the gym over the next few days to see what happens given that this gym is usually taken fairly quickly. Odd note though when attempting to add prestige to level 10 gym (50,000 points) the points first go down then add back because of the 50,000 limit. Your gym didn’t lose any points but you still get XP so it just seems the developers put in a dirty hack to make this work.

Raising prestige in the gym for your own team

  • Fighting and beating the first pokemon in the gym against a pokemon with lower CP gives more XP and adds more prestige to the gym than fighting with a higher CP.
  • Fighting and beating more than the first gives more prestige and xp.
  • If not already figured out fighting with a higher CP gives less xp and prestige points.
  • Level 10 seems to be the highest you can obtain at the moment.


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Pokémon Go Tip – IV

This and many more tips are located on our Pokémon Go tips & Tricks page.

So what is IV?

Pokemon Go Screenshot IVIV stands for Individual Value and this value stays constant even after evolution. The values for IV range from 0-15 and can be calculated from CP, HP and Dust with a calculation we’re not entirely sure of yet.

As previously stated the IV seems to determine the max CP you can obtain so the higher IV means the higher possible CP.

Still not clear take a look at this IV Calc for possible clarification.

Highest CP may not always be the best because high defensive points but low CP might be a good gym defender. So don’t go getting rid of everything with a low IV score just yet.

It was found by RedBeard that it made life easier if you renamed the pokemon according to their IV because IV is not displayed in Game. This also gives alternate sorting and makes decisions to transfer easier to determine. See pic. The CP is the % value below the pokemon.

An IV list can be generated using PokeAdvisor

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